A Place, Where Your Child Can Grow
The Children’s House, International Montessori Kindergarten founded in 2012 is situated in the quiet and green environment of Koliba, a residential area in the hills of Bratislava, at the address of Husova 2376/3, 831 01 Bratislava, Slovakia.
Our rich, academic environment meets the highest standards of Montessori education and offers a unique opportunity for every child to reach his/her full potential.
Next to our Montessori program we offer a wide selection of extra curricular activities, such as drama, pottery, gymnastics, music.
The Children’s House offers flexible schedules for families seeking part-time and full-time schooling for children from 2,5 through 6+ years of age. We are open from 7.30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Take a look at a usual day in The Children's House
They said about us
It is the only kindergarten we are able to find in Bratislava which has the unique combination of following Montessori pedagogics, home cosiness and professional approach of the teachers. We really did a deep sourcing before choosing the kindergarten, and the Children's House is ahead of all in the area. If only we could stay in Bratislava our both kids go there for 3rd year.

Konstantin Osikin, St. Petersburg
Naše dcera chodila do této anglické Montessori školky 2 roky, ještě předtím chodila do slovenské Montessori školky a teď už chodí do Montessori školy. Na vzdělání našich dětí nám vělmi záleží a naší cestou je právě Montessori pedagogika. Naše dcerka si užívala každý den v této školce a domů chodila šťastná a to je pro nás nejdůležitějším ukazatelem. Jsme rádi, že ji můžeme dopřát Montessori vzdělání, aby vyrostla v zdravě sebevědomou slečnu a měla dveře do světa otevřené. Tuto školku jsme si vybrali pro to, že jsme měli vynikající doporučení od známých, které se nám potvrdilo. Děkujeme paní zakladatelce a ředitelce za velmi profesionální a vstřícný přístup k dětem i k nám rodičům Je vidno, že je to opravdu Montessori školka a nejen školka s Montessori prvky.

Lucie Medvecká, Bratislava
I would like to recommend the Children’s House Kindergarten to any parents who are interested in Montessori pedagogy for their kids in English language. All our 3 kids went here. They were very happy here, even after they left for a school, they are still remembering the kindergarten, and even remember interesting facts they learned there 2-3 years ago. The kindergarten is located in quiet part of Koliba, with a nice garden and nearby little park. The kindergarten offers lots of original Montessori material, which is far more interesting for kids, than ordinary plastic toys. The teachers speak very good English and they have even native speakers. They have personal approach to every child and their needs. They provide music, sport and art by professionals. Go to see the lovely place yourself!

Jana Hvožďarová, Bratislava
Our son attended The Children's House for 4 years and I can truly say it's a highly professional kindergarten providing a quality education with a happy and caring atmosphere and a great team of teachers and assistants. This has been our first experience of going to a kindergarten and it has more then surpassed our expectations. It's just incredible how much our son learned about the world. We are sure that he will never forget all the happy times he had at The Children's House and so won't we. It has been a pleasure to watch his expertise nurture into a confident, happy and clever little boy he is today. I just hope that his future teachers embrace him with as much enthusiasm, kindness and love as the team of The Children's House have. We would certainly recommend this kindergarten to anyone in the area. Thank you dear Children's House, we wish you all the best for the future!

Zuzana Horváth, Bratislava
For our son the almost two years he attended kindergarten at the Children’s House meant having fun and making friends while learning about the world and its wonders from a great team of teachers. He developed better than we could have hoped. Thank you dear Children’s House!

Ana Moise, Bucharest
Moja dcéra absolvovala túto škôlku, začala ju navštevovať vo veku 2.5 roka a bola v nej nepretržite až do nástupu na základnú školu. Prostredie škôlky je nádherné, mestská vilka skrýva v sebe veľmi útulné zariadenie tried, telocvične, jedálne, šatní... všetko v duchu Montessori princípov. Nehovoriac o peknej záhrade, kde si deti pestujú kvety, bylinky, ovocie a zeleninu a kde sú perfektné drevené preliezky, šmýkalky a domček v korunách stromov. Počas 3,5 roka, čo sme škôlku navštevovali, sme mali šťastie na fantastických pedagógov (native speakers) z Írska, USA, Indie, Veľkej Británie... Program je po obsahovej stránke podľa mňa neprekonateľný, deti sa zoznámia s ľudským telom, fungovaním vesmíru, históriou, geografiou, rôznymi kultúrami... Popoludní bývajú v škôlke rôzne kreatívne aktivity - krúžok modelovania z hliny, športové popoludnie s profi trénerom, ale moja dcéra absolútne najviac milovala stredňajšie popoludnia hudobnej výchovy s učiteľkou Oľgou pri klavíri. Dcéra za 3,5 roka zvládla perfektne angličtinu, jej priateľmi sa stali deti z Francúzska, Kórey, Čiech, ... Highlightom bolo vždy vianočné a koncoročné vystúpenie detí v Pálffyho paláci, kde nám odprezentovali pesničky, básničky, divadelnú hru, vyrobené kostýmy... Children's house je jedna perfektne fungujúca inštitúcia a to predovšetkým vďaka skvelej riaditeľke a zakladateľke škôlky, ktorá kvalitu každým rokom posúva vyššie a vyššie. Každému dieťaťu by som dopriala takúto škôlku, s takým silným programom a skvelými pedagógmi. Jej kvality dokazuje aj to, že medzi rodičmi nájdete top profesionálov vo svojom obore - akademikov, umelcov, biznismenov, manažérov, ktorí hľadali top vzdelanie pre svoje deti a našli ho práve tu.

Natália Dadíková, Bratislava
The childrend's house welcomed my boys to engage multi-sensory strategies with the educational journey to support early childhood development. Teachers were passionate experts in their field. Back in South Korea not only was my older son admitted to one of the best resputed English International Schools but he qualified for the scholarship program, as well. I am more than happy that my boys could attend this wonderful kindergarten for 4 years keeping them beautiful childhood memories.

Hyemin Kim, Seoul, South Korea